Thursday, November 08, 2007

Three Dimensional Snowflake #2

I just finished tatting Vida Sunderman's Three Dimensional Snowflake #2 from her book Tatted Snowflakes. I have been wanting to tat this snowflake for 5 years now and finally got it done. My picture even captured the glitter I added.

I use a mixture of liquid starch and Aleene's white glitter paint. I mix the both together, dip and dry on wax paper.


  1. I can't imagine the patience it took to make this... it's beautiful!

  2. Very pretty. I wouldn't have any idea where to start!

  3. Thank you all for your lovely comments. This snowflake is a lot easier to do than you think. You make 3 flat snow flakes, fold two to in half when semi dry and glue to each side of the flat one.

  4. Thanks for telling the secret! Maybe it wouldn't be so impossible.
